
News Bulletin – 10th January 2013

Last Nights Meeting

It was nice to see so many Residents bothered to venture out on a cold winters evening, to come to the Planning Meeting hosted by Ash Parish Council, and to hear so many people pose their questions.

Those of you who went will know that we had three Committee members outside the meeting to answer any questions from Residents on the way in, but also, more importantly, on the way out. We also had two Committee members inside the hall noting your questions and the responses, so that we could review them afterwards.

Planning Application 12/P/01973 Land to the South of Ash Lodge Drive.

You will also probably have noticed that we have been fairly quiet recently on our website and in other areas. This is due to the fact that we have been reading through all 1,917 pages of the Bewley Homes/a2dominion Planning Application 12/P/01973, in detail, and writing our responses/objections documents. Bewley Homes employed 6 or 7 major consultancies, and probably hundreds of individuals over 18 months, producing their Planning Application. Whereas we have only two people working on this full time, and only one month to get our response in.

We completed these documents, totalling some 60 pages, on Wednesday of this week and have sent copies to GBC Planning Department, Michael Gove MP, other individuals, and fourteen organisations who we feel need to have some input to this Planning Application. We can confirm that every objection raised by Residents at last night’s meeting has been covered. One of these documents was an in-depth flood analysis.

We must also say a massive thank you to the 28 volunteers who helped us distribute nearly 3,000 flyers which have resulted in a doubling of letters of objection, and hopefully will continue to bring in more in the days ahead.

Thanks again.

Finally, on this issue, we were informed by the Case Officer at Guildford Borough Council Planning Department at the beginning of the week, that she would begin her recommendations document in one month. Once that is completed the date of the Planning Meeting will be set. At this meeting we will have a chance to speak, and put forward our case. Objections can still be sent to GBC and will be accepted up until the recommendation document is started, therefore at least the end of January.

Village Green Application.

Graham Eyre still waiting for news of a date for the Public Inquiry. He has been informed by the legal advisor that the application is sound and stands a reasonable chance of a successful outcome.

The legal costs will amount to some £3,000 and ASHRA are committed to helping raise this amount. We raised in excess of £200 last night outside the meeting, for which we are grateful to all who contributed, and we already have some £300 left in our account from the two previous collections at the Tongham Community Centre, and after we have paid for printing etc.

As you can see we still need to raise some £2,500. This sounds a lot of money but there are in excess of 3,000 houses in Ash and Tongham. If anyone wants to donate funds electronically, they can do so by visiting our donations page here.

If Graham succeeds in his Application, these fields can never be built on. Please help us to do our best for you to keep our valued green space for generations to come.

Planning Application 12/P/02100 Land South of Guildford Road, Ash

“The use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for 4 no. gypsy pitches together with the formation of additional hard standing and utility/ dayrooms ancillary to that use”

We learned of this Application a week or so ago, and as reported to us by some residents opposite this site, some GBC Notification Letters had got delayed, and residents were receiving their letters with only a few days to object. The letters stated that the deadline for objections was today, 11th January 2013.

Yesterday, we complained to the Case Officer at GBC, and he has now confirmed that the final date for objections will be extended until 26th January 2013.

We will be putting in our objection in the next few days on the grounds that this development would be seriously harmful to the character and appearance of the area, and that the harm would not be outweighed by the fact that there is a demand for Gypsy sites in Surrey.

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We will, from time to time, want to communicate information to residents without it appearing on our website. Therefore, if you have not given us your e-mail address in the past, can you please click this button and supply it now. All e-mail addresses will be kept securely and will not be disclosed to anyone else. Due to a large amount of fake subscriptions we are now asking for your road name and postcode in order to validate you are a real person. This information will never be made public and will only be used to validate your subscription.
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