News Bulletin – 15th March 2013
Planning Application 12/P/01973
We thought it was time to send out a Newsletter, to inform everyone of the latest situation with regard to Planning Application 12/P/01973 and the Village Green Application on the fields adjacent to Ash Lodge Drive.
Three members of the ASHRA Committee had a meeting with the Case Officer for 12/P/01973 at Guildford Borough Council this week. This meeting was productive, and we hope to have follow-up meetings in due course.
The situation at present is that GBC have received independent assessments from Environmental and Transport consultants. GBC have passed these comments back to Bewley Homes for their response. GBC have also just received comments from independent Drainage consultants, and will be forwarding these to Bewley homes for comment.
It is expected that the Planning Meeting to decide this Application will be held around the end of May 2013, and if you haven’t yet sent in an objection to the application you have until mid-May to do so. Don’t forget, you can send in an objection per person and not per household.
Village Green Application
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to our appeal to raise money for legal expenses. The response was astonishing, and we can confirm that we are now assured of raising the money necessary. Thanks again.
Graham Eyre has been in contact with Surrey County Council, who have been trying to arrange dates for the Public Inquiry. The dates were fixed today as 7th to 24th May 2013. More information will follow in due course and we will be contacting people, who we feel will make good witnesses, in due course.