News Bulletin – 25th May 2013
Village Green Application
The Village Green Public Inquiry has now finished after three gruelling, if not interesting, weeks. Graham Eyre "The applicant", and chairman of ASHRA, was the first witness called and was questioned by both our solicitor and the defendants’ solicitor for the full first day. Graham then continued to attend every day for the remaining three weeks of the inquiry, whilst the 60 or so other witnesses from both sides, gave evidence. He was supported by the committee of ASHRA as and when possible during the inquiry.
A sincere thank you to those residents who gave up their time to give evidence at the inquiry. There were also many people who offered to give evidence, but due to time constraints we were unable to call. Again, thank you to them.
What happens next?
Over the next 10 days the lawyers for both sides will prepare their submissions. These are documents detailing the case for their respective clients, and set out why they feel their client should be awarded judgement. These documents will be presented to the Inspector on 4th/5th June 2013 and he will then have some time to study them and form his opinion. Following this the Inspector will submit his recommendation to Surrey County Council and we should be notified of their decision by August.
Until then we will not know any more and we have to wait.
Archaeological Digs
The archaeological excavations have now been completed in the fields and a request is being made for the trenches to be filled in and the fields restored. We do not know when this will be happening but if you see machinery in the fields then this is probably what they will be doing. Some items of interest have been found in one of the fields to the north east of the Planning Application site and therefore further work will need to be carried out at some future date.
Planning Application Updates
12/P/01973, Land to the South of Ash Lodge Drive
This is still with the council and no date has been set for the Planning Committee. A site visit by members of the Planning Committee was scheduled for last week.
13/P/00355, Ash Manor School
This is still with the council and no date has been set. A site visit by Planning Committee members was scheduled for last week in conjunction with application 12/P/01973.
12/P/02012, Land south of Guildford Road, Gypsy Pitches
Whilst not officially noted on the Council website yet, we are informed that this was approved by the Planning Committee at their meeting on the 21st May 2103.
13/P/00717, The Croft
A new application for 39 dwellings has been submitted to the council. This Planning Application replaces the house rather than convert it. Comments (objections or otherwise) are welcome by the 7th June 2013.
Taylor Wimpey, Manor Road
Outline permission has already been granted for this site. The developers now intend to put in a further application for “reserved matters” which will specify the exact size layout and construction details. They held an exhibition earlier this month in Tongham.
The Warren, White Lane
We have been informed of potential development of Surrey House and Warren Farm, just off of White Lane in Ash Green. This is currently at the proposal stage only and we have no further information. The developers, Shanly Homes, are holding an exhibition of their plans in the Tongham Community Centre on the 28th May between 2:30pm and 8:00pm. The flyer distributed to some homes in White Lane can be seen at