
News Bulletin – 29th March 2014

This newsletter is to update everyone on a few important events that have happened in the past week.

Village Green Application

Firstly, the Planning Committee at Surrey County Council met on Wednesday 26th March, to officially discuss and decide on my Village Green Application for Ash Meadows. As you will remember from our previous Newsletters, the Inspectors Report recommended that my application be rejected on very dubious grounds.

For all those who did not attend, or watch the meeting on the SCC Webcast, there was no discussion………..it appeared that they had all made up their minds to follow the Inspectors recommendation like lemmings, as they always do. We are obviously disappointed, but not surprised at all by this. If anyone wants to watch the webcast click on this link or past it into your browser http://bit.ly/1k3VJnu

We would like to sincerely thank everyone who filled in evidence questionnaires in support of the Village Green Application. A very special thanks goes to those who gave their time to give evidence personally at the Public Inquiry.

This is a setback, it is not the end of the battle.

Bewley Homes Planning Application

The next important item to report is that Guildford Borough Council has given Bewley Homes & a2dominion the official notice of Planning Permission. They have also issued the Section 106 agreement for the developers and landowners to sign.

Section 106 agreements, also known as planning obligations, are agreements between developers and local planning authorities that are negotiated as part of a condition of planning consent.

The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 enables local authorities to negotiate financial contributions towards a range of infrastructure and services, such as community facilities, public open space, transport improvements and/or affordable housing.

Although this may sound like building on this site is therefore imminent, this is far from the truth, and more information on what is being done, and planned for the future, will follow in due course.

Very best regards and thanks to everyone for their continuing support.

Graham Eyre
Chairman, Ash Residents Association

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