
Constitution of the Ash Residents Association


The Ash Residents Association (ASHRA) shall be constituted as a Voluntary Association


The aim of the Association is to represent the views of the residents of Ash Parish to relevant bodies on issues of concern to the local community. 


All residents of Ash are automatically Members of the Association and all members of a household who are eligible to vote in local elections are eligible to vote at meetings of the Association.

There is no annual subscription required for membership of the Association.

The Association is non-political, non denominational and non-profit making.

Officers and Committee

The business of the Association shall be conducted by the Officers comprising of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be assisted by a committee, the number and composition of which is at the discretion of the Officers.

General Meeting

A General Meeting of the Association shall be held at least every three years, or when there is a vacancy for an Officer, or when deemed necessary by the Officers. The General Meeting shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Officers and published together with an agenda on the ASHRA website at least fourteen days in advance. Ten Members shall constitute a quorum.

All elections and resolutions shall be decided by a majority vote of all Members present on a show of hands and in the event of a tie the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

Nomination and Election of Officers

Nominations may be made for the Election of Officers for any vacant positions, to serve for a maximum term of three years.

Any candidates for election as Officers must be proposed and seconded in writing by members of the Association along with nominations from eight other members of the Association.

Retiring Officers may stand for re-election.

Special General Meeting

A Special General meeting of the Association may be convened by the Officers when they deem such a meeting to be necessary or at the instance of forty Members presenting a duly signed petition to the Secretary, Chairman or Vice-Chairman.

The date and time of such a meeting shall be fixed by the Chairman, Vice-chairman or Secretary and shall be held within twenty eight days of the Officer’s decision or the presentation of the petition.

The date and agenda of the meeting shall be published on the ASHRA website at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.


Payment for all routine and administration expenses of ASHRA must be authorised by two of the Officers.

The bank account will have as signatories up to three designated Officers.  All cheques must be signed by two of the Officers.

The Association funds shall only be used for the benefit and amenities of the Members. 

Accounts shall be audited every year and be available to any Member for inspection on written request to any Officer.


This constitution can only be changed at a Special or General Meeting with the agreement of two thirds of the Members present and voting at that meeting.

Any proposed amendments to the constitution must be received in writing at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting.

Winding up of the Association

The Association may be wound up at any time by resolution of an annual or special general meeting after due notice of the proposed resolution has been published on the ASHRA website at least fourteen days prior to the meeting. Two thirds of those members present and voting are required for the winding up of the Association.

In the event of a resolution to wind up the Association being carried all assets of the Association shall be distributed among local charitable bodies or other local community groups as agreed at the meeting.

Newsletter Subscription

We will, from time to time, want to communicate information to residents without it appearing on our website. Therefore, if you have not given us your e-mail address in the past, can you please click this button and supply it now. All e-mail addresses will be kept securely and will not be disclosed to anyone else. Due to a large amount of fake subscriptions we are now asking for your road name and postcode in order to validate you are a real person. This information will never be made public and will only be used to validate your subscription.
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Road Name: PostCode: