News Bulletin - 1st June 2012
It has been a few weeks since the last Newsletter but don't worry we have not been idle!
Status Report
Potential planning application for 450 houses by Bewley Homes on the fields bordered by Ash Lodge Drive, Manor Road, The old railway track and South Lane - Awaiting formal planning application.
Planning application Number: 12/P/00645 for 60 houses by Taylor Wimpey on land that lies behind existing homes on Manor Road - Consultation period has now ended and the application will be considered by the Guildford Borough Council Planning Committee at an as yet undetermined date (see below).
Planning Application Number: 2/P/00157 for the conversion of The Croft in Foreman Road into 7 apartments and the building of 31 houses - Consultation period has ended and the application will be considered by the Guildford Borough Council Planning Committee on the 12th June 2012 in the Council Chamber at Millmead House.
More On 12/P/00645
The Flood Risk Assessment for this application, prepared by Odyssey Consulting Engineers on behalf of Taylor Wimpey contained a number of factual errors and invalid conclusions. As a result we prepared and submitted a document 'Comments on the Flood Risk Assessment Supporting Planning Application 12/P/00645' to Planning Services at Guildford Borough Council. Copies were sent to Thames Water, The Environment Agency and Ash Parish Council. The full submission may be read on our website by clicking on this link (Comments on the Flood Risk Assessment - Supporting Planning Application 12/P/00645).
We continue to receive information and support from Ash residents, and thanks again to everyone who has sent in photographs of the local wild animals. If over the summer you manage to snap an interesting picture please email it to us at ASHRA. Lastly, as you know email is our main channel of communication and it is vital to have the email addresses of everyone and anyone in Ash and Tongham who is concerned about the countryside and the quality of life in the area. Please help by talking with your neighbours and local friends and encouraging them to visit the website and subscribe to the Newsletter.